Ha ha. So my mother in law lives in a very "well known" area. Lets just say the average house starts at 3/4 of a million,no she does not own she rents but anyways.
So there is a place across the street that has turned there lavish garden home into a place where brides dreams come true. THIS GARDEN IS INSANE. They groom it everyday. There are porcelain statues, waterfalls the works.
Anyways they often hold weddings there on Sundays (they can not do them Saturdays due to the seventh day advenist "rules")
So anyways today I pull up and there is this HUGE lavish wedding going on, the waterfalls are filled with rose petals, sounds of a live orchestra fill the air.
The only thing I could think was
hum do I have any death metal in my car?? I mean I (when I say I a, I mean the mother in law) live hear so I am initialed to play my music as well. Right?

I thought maybe some ACDC or Black Sabbath??? Or maybe some good old R&B I would make sure to booty dance to in with curlers in my hair, in my pj's with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth of coarse.
And neck breaking loudness.
I mean what could they do really? Call the cops at 1:30 in the afternoon and complain about noise?lol
Does anyone else find this funny? The hubby just laughed at me.
They are in my back yard after all..
As if I could ever do something like that but my mind thinks of things to do to entertain myself..
It could only be better if you took hubby with you, got out of the car and proceeded to have a ghetto-licious in the middle of the street fight with him for cheating on you with that nappy-headed slut cousin of yours. Then you should pretend that you were going to run him over with your car. All while playing TNT at top volume.
That would be priceless.
Sounds like something I would try to get away with and succeed at doing.
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