Saturday, April 08, 2006

Nothing a bottle of Kaluha can not fix

On the way home from work last night I stopped for booze. I felt like getting drunk. I knew the night would be spent packing for the move, which some of it will take place on Sunday. And I wanted to be prepared.
It feels bitter sweet really.
The hubby and I are moving out of the first place we have lived in together.
I'll get over it, I can be a bit sensitive about stupid shit.

Oh and stay tuned FOR THE SPRAY ON PANTYHOSE EPISODE. While shopping for booze at the local Rite-Aid I passed through the panty hose isle. I looked over at the "taunting" hose on the wall only to glare at it, and noticed something a little weird.
They have created

Spray on Panty hose?? WTF?

What did I do?

I bought some of coarse. To the tune of $12

Its supposed to be big in Japan you just spray it on (you can all see how this may be a HUGE disaster) however I am adventurous like that and of coarse this means I will need to get up 2 hours earlier to advert disaster if it happens so I am not late for work.

I checked the site but its all in Japanese (no I did not get the ones with the diamonds)

I am sure this will be an adventure. I will not let the HOSE win!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hmmm...I sense disaster...I also sense the need to try this stuff for myself...

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