Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ah to have sensitive skin SUCKS ASS!!

Yesterday I met a friend for lunch. It was relaxing and then she wanted to head to the mall for a pedicure. I have not had a pedicure in a while so I was excited, while we were sitting there soaking the little lady comes over about 1/4 inch away from my face
"You have mustache!"
"No problem, I wax for you!"
"Oh, you eyebrows too!"
I need to remind you of the "sensitive skin issue"

Yeah today I have blisters between my eyes and on top of my lip.

My lip blends so nicely into the rest of the top of my lip that it looks as if I have just had BAD silicone injections, this would not be such a problem if it did not look like I had them done at the 7/11.

Shit I know better.

I'll just tell everyone at work tomorrow that my husband hits me. I am sure the lisp with be barley noticeable in the morning.

Well at least I no longer have a mustache. That's good right?


Kelli said...


I go in to get my toes done and they are always trying to point out my flaws. Like you can actually say "No..I like the fact that my eyebrows look like catapillars" Grrr...they have you by the balls there.

Hope the redness goes away by in the morning...

Anonymous said...

are you serious! they said that! wonder what frida kahlo would have said.

wow....I've never gotten that. but I am pretty surly looking!


astrocoz said...

I hate that! I have sensitive skin too, so now I just tell them that I'd rather have a mustache than blisters on my skin.

A different alternative though, that I found worked for me, was threading. Go to an Indian salon and they will thread the hair away. It takes more time than waxing and is a bit more painful than waxing, but you won't have blisters and bad skin reactions to wax anymore.

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