Monday, March 20, 2006

Our computer took a dump

And the hubby had to redo everything. I lost a bunch of really great links to blog that I have not added to my side bar yet.. Sniff sniff.

So we are back up and running.

The "New Job" called today to say I passed the physical WEEEHOO. I may have lied. No I did not lie I just only answered questions that were asked, it looked like this.
Dr. "When was your accident?"
Me "March 11, 2205"
Dr. "Does you back hurt?"
Me "No, not right now"
Dr. "Touch your toes"
I touch my toes
Dr. "Does that hurt"
Me "No." (I fail to mention that coming up from touching my toes sends shooting pain through my body but he never asked if it hurt to get up, just if it hurt to touch my toes. It did not. I can touch my toes till the cows come home its just standing up that's the bitch)
Dr. "Ok we are done"

So I did not lie I just omitted information that I was not asked. So I go in tomorrow to finish the paperwork for my new job.. WEEHOO.

And I am working on the post as to why I have been told I can not have children.

Oh and the "Lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks thing" yeah this is what I had for breakfast. (oh and I need to add that hubby and I are going on a date tonight and there is no way you can see a movie without popcorn and candy soo...)
My breakfast: 3 1/2 oatmeal cookies, ok 4, actually maybe 5 I lost count, but in my defense once they are all eaten (probably by days end) then there will be no more cookies.
I big huge fluffy blueberry muffin.
I bowl cottage cheese

And as I mentioned previous I can not diet. I love food too much to diet. So now as things go I need to lose 16 pounds in 8 weeks. At this rate things are not looking so good... lol
** to make it easier to track instead of me having post about it EVERYDAY I'll keep my progress at the bottom in purple (my fav) to see what's going on****

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