Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This post is for Shan

*** a little back story** My dear sweet baby cousin has a blog on Livejournal. She made a post that she claims "burned her" It was just a vent that was taken for more than what it was, some people thought it was about them (it was not but some how some of it applied) she's no longer wants to blog.
My advice? Start a new blog. One that you tell no one about. Its just for you. You can say what you want, about who you want. You do not need to "sensor" it in fears that it may offend someone.
I love to blog. Its an outlet for me. Yeah sure I sent the links to everyone that is close to me in my life but I still do not feel that I need to sensor it. People who know me love me and that's all I need. The others who drop in and read, I think that's cool too. I had a friend tell me she moved her blog because there was "no more ambiguity" people were reading it that she really did not want too.
I love knowing whats going on in your life. Your random musings (like how I worked that in)
I would not even request your address. Hell I have so many blogs I read now anyways. I think I may pick up a book about the 12 step program.
I Digress
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

The situation is a shitty one. You guys need to talk. People need to vent sometimes and friends have falling outs. If I could tell you of all the times that Sal told me to fuck off I was being stupid? (I got pissed cause she was "kissing" my man *wink*wink*) Sometimes you just need time away (you know what I mean) Serious though.
Fuck her for now. Have some space. Come visit me....I thought I would sneak that in

And another quote
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Maybe I should have emailed you this.
No your part of my life so I blogged you at least I know for sure that you will read this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should see the emails she's sending me.

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