Sunday, January 29, 2006

So the big day turned out to be not so big

Because I could not sleep and never did get to sleep the alarm was set for 7am so I turned it off and opted not to go to the first aid thing. The way the Red Cross runs things I would end up there at 8am and they would have forgot about the session and forgot to call and tell everyone about the cancellation (its happened before) so I stayed home and tried to sleep. I could not sleep so I finally got outta bed. Went to BINGO someone won $95,000.00.
It was not me.
Came home went to bed at 9pm. I know I'm getting old when 9pm used to be when I was getting ready to go clubing.
I need to go home soon for a visit. I miss home. I need a night out on the town.


coffeygirlb said...

Do you need a raincoat and sunburn too? Sorry, big Counting Crowes fan.

marrie said...

Insomnia, ugh.
I have been an insomniac forever, and I have tried all of the things that you listed in your previous post. Sometimes, I do this sort of self hypnosis thing, it works sometimes, not others. Good luck.

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