Thursday, January 12, 2006

So my mom called tonight

Which is funny because I talked to her last month and we were good for at least about 5 months by my guess. Anyways it turns out that she "heard" that I may have problems with my liver. Which is confirmation that my baby sister reads my blog. Thats fine but I am a little upset she never emails me anymore. Sniff sniff. I send her these awesome ass care pakages and no emails. Not even a hello on the phone. Sniff sniff.
It really breaks my heart. Sniff sniff
Just kidding. I am pissed about her failing to mention to me that her "boyfriend" and her are living with each other! WHAT??? I was acting surprise (did you get that)
Anyways so my mom told me and I said WHAT???
And then my mother so kindley reminded me that Norm and I started living together when I was 17 soooo ... My sis is 18 soon to be 19 so I guess I should not really be surprised.
I need to plan a trip home soon. Maybe to take her out for her 19. Wow I can imagine what that would he like. Oh my liver just shot me a pain.


Anonymous said...

Wow... the resemblance between you and your baby sis is just weird! *lol* Shame on her for lacking in the email department! Hell, if I got care packages from you I would write you everyday!!!! *lol* you hear that sis?

Anyways, give me a shout if you're in O-town! I'm not the big party-girl any more but do appreciate a night out of debauchery on the weekends!


Anonymous said...

baby sis here! about those emails i'll get right one them! love u and i'm only following in ur footsteps ;)

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