Saturday, July 01, 2006


HOW DOES THIS SHIT FUCKING HAPPEN TO ME (other than for your reading enjoyment? And readers beware this one is full of profanity)

Let me just get this straight, so last night before bed I started to get a little itchy, no big deal I thought it was just dry skin so I scratched a little had a shower and went to bed.

Then I wake up this morning and it looks like I have slept atop a red ant hill and MY WHOLE FUCKING BODY IS FULL OF BIG ASS WELTS/ NARLEY RASH and I am being as fucking serious a a heart attack. (not even exaggerating one fucking bit either)

Ha ha you laugh but I am fucking covered head to toe no fucking joke even the bottoms of my fucking feet, in welts all over my body and I am so itchy I feel as if I am going to scratch my skin off. Everything is itchy, even my fucking eyeballs. So I mention it to the husband and I jump in the shower so he can put some anti itch stuff on me.
I am walking around like a glesining wet bathing beauty this stuff I so fucking slimy and slippery that if I did not have clothes on I would be slipping and sliding every where with my shiny ass.
So I get on line looking for what ever I can about this shit, I come to the conclusion that its probably the chicken pox, measles or same disease throw at me to test me just for shits and giggles.
I go over to the mother in laws and the minute I walk in the door I drop my pants
"Oh my goodness what happened??"
She is now looking at my near naked body in all its glesining glory covered in bumps/rash.
"Holy shit those look like measles"
I am standing there doing the itch dance and trying not to cry!


I am defective just take me out to pasture and shoot my fucking ass.
And if it is the measles all the fuckers I work with are going to have to get shots too!!
Off to the hospital with me.
I'll keep you all posted ( and I mean that in the nicest of ways I mean you are all laughing at me in all my pain and glisining itchy ass glory) HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN TO ME??)
. I mean serious what the FUCK!!

I edited this cause I did not mean to call you all fuckers.. just frustrated thats it


Jonathan said...

Ugh. So sorry to hear about this. There was a big measles outbreak in Boston but you are on the other side of the country. The way you described it at first sounds like chicken pox but they are similar in what they look like. I dont think I have heard of measles being itchy but I sure know chicken pox is. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Kelli said...

Oh honey..that sucks. Let us know..I am hoping its maybe some sort of allergic reaction or soemthing that can taking care of with some benadryl. Im a dreamer I know.

And Im not a fucker..I didnt even smile once!

T-girl said...

I did not smile either! The whole time I thought "HOLY SHIT! WTF? THAT POOR GIRL!"

The picture you posted looks like measles, my daughter broke out in them a few month ago when she got her shot! I would be suprised though, I imagine you have your MMR shot, unless they don't give it in Canada. :( Anyway... the point being, we had an outbreak of them here recently also, so it is definitly possible! OH you poor thing! Go to the doctor, hopefully he will tell you it is just a topical reaction to something, stress maybe and you have to take a months vacation, with pay, and go to Maui or something to relax! LOL Keep us posted, let us know how you are!

Sending you big hugs, even if you ARE pocked marked and itchy-T

Battlerocker said...

Ouch. I'm sorry. I hope this passes soon.

Anonymous said...

Doh, sorry for your misery!

T-girl said...

I just got off my blog... is it true? You poor dear!!!!! BIG HUGS my measly freind- T

astrocoz said...

AW! That sucks! I feel for ya. I hope you get better soon. Measels! Who woulda thought.

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