Monday, July 03, 2006

I got back door service twice!!

Ha ha
No not like that get your minds outta the gutters. I finally got ahold of the office that I was supposed to go to they told me to come right away and knock on the back door because they did not want me going through the waiting room with "this thing" not being sure what it was so far.
Then they all come in. 4 of them (thank goodness I wore clean ) they are all wearing masks and gloves looking like something out of a sci-fi movie.
Its then I started to get scared and laugh at the same time, it is only me who can manage to come up with this shit.
All 4 of them poke and prod me take, ooow and awww at all my "symptoms" they my temperature then they all leave except for the doctor who then swabs my throat (gag, gag) and reads back all my symtoms she went through a variety of what it may or may not be.
foot and mouth
Some rocky mountain disease
Small pox
Chicken pox
Anyways the outcome is not good. She "assumes" that its very contagious and thinks it has been for days (can explain why the hubby broke out but now hes fine) she said for "precaution" because she does not "think" its measles because I have been vacinated that it could be VERY similar to measles or the same family of VERY CONTAGIOUS viruses.
We will not know until the bloodwork is back. The powers at be (the CDC) have been notified "just in case" (aparentley its something they do all the time because they are required to) still does not make me feel any better, because its so RARE that an adult would break out like this. And in fact if it is just measles they need to know.
She also thinks it could possibly be a rare child hood disease that I never got and has now shown up? Leave it to me that I am almost 29 and have picked up some child hood disease.
then she told me not to worry in the same breath she called for the nurse to call the blood clinic to tell them I was coming...
I was whisked in the back door and they blood lady was ready with mask and everything, she assured me that measles did not worry her she's seen it all.
I took of my jacket and it was clear she had just lied. How do I know she lied? She GASPED at me.
Its ugly I know. I have gotten used to it but to someone else I can see how it looks BAD.
Ah the medical marvels that I bring to the table. We will know for sure on Wed what it is until then I will carry on like the freak I am.
Oh and I had to call work to let them know if anyone got sick it was all my fault....

Do you think people will like me now??? MMEMWHHHAAAA (me laughing out loud at what a crazy situation this all is)


T-girl said...

Awwww! If it makes you feel any better they think I have strep... I know it is not the same but I was always told I was immune so I will be really pissed off if I indeed DO have strep! LMAO

I hope they figure out what you have and soon so you can get some relief! You poor dear!

Big hugs- T

Jonathan said...

wow, just wow. Hang in there and Wednesday they will more able to treat you and get you all better.

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