So I got up at 6am for my run. Lets just say I am realizing I may have bit off more than I can chew.
26.2 miles is the length of a full marathon.
1.3 miles length I can actually run without dying, .2 miles distance that I can actually run outside on regular ground and not the tread mill.
27 weeks to get my distance up, but I am not even going to get upset about it. Even if I walk and it takes me 8 hours to finish I am going to do this!!
It was amazing being out there this morning, I was the only one out it felt almost a little surreal actually, the fog made it really calm. I think I like this stuff...
Just as the correct way to eat an elephant is one bit at a time, the way to finish a marathon is one step at a time. That and keeping the word "can't" out of your vocabulary, and I know you already have that part down. I promise it will get easier.
Good luck with the training.
That looks a bit scary, though. That's what it usually looks like on the coast when they show the places on the news before big storms or hurricanes hit.
Keep it up girl. Like Patty said, it will get easier. You know lil sis and I did our 7 miles Sunday. As we ran in the heat and the sweat ran off our bodies we both agree that running can totally kick your ass. But you LOVE EVER MINUTE of it. And only a runner can understand that feeling. It's an addiction. It's a love. It gets in your blood and you just have to keep going. *grin*
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