Friday, March 02, 2007

Sorry forgot the camera

Daisy is getting better at the dog park. She used to be REALLY afraid of everything but now she'll actually give chase to some of the smaller dogs.
There was this IDIOT couple there that had 5 dogs, they brought 2 dogs into the park and then went back to get the others, in the time it took them to get the other dogs, the 2 dogs they had left the one black one bit and attached one of the other pets owners AND HER DOG!! She asked me for advice on if she should tell the owner that there dog attacked her and I told her she should.
Do you know what they had the nerve to say

"Well you should not have gone near them!!"

THERE DOG ATTACKED HERS!! Oh and then the icing on the cake is they brought BURGERS TO THE FUCKING DOG PARK!!! There are "rules" posted that you are not supposed to bring food in for obvious reasons but they did not care!! Oh and they had 5 dogs and NEVER ONCE cleaned up any shit!


And I forgot the camera so no pics this time but I promise this weekend!


Dixie said...

If I had been the lady who got attacked, I'd have called the police. I don't care if it wasn't too bad and I wasn't really hurt. Because I could have been. Anyone could have been. Those people apparently do not need animals.

Patty said...

First rule of parenting...
Sometimes it sucks!. And most of those times it has to do with other people's kids, since our little angels would never dare behave like that (at least not when we can see them)!

Jenster said...

I know I should be, but I'm always amazed that people really think that way!

Hope you're feeling better. :o)

Sandy said...

I wonder if there is a way to get them banned from the park. Food at the dog park??? That's the stupidest thing I've heard of.

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