Saturday, December 09, 2006

WEEEHOO I am Canadian

You are 100% Canuck!

You rock, you are an almighty Canadian through and through. You have proven your worthiness and have won the elite prize of living in a country as awesome as Canada. Yes I know other countries think they are better, but we let them have that cuz we know better than they do, eh?

How Canadian Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


Anonymous said...

I'm confused.

Sam said...

I have no idea what half the shit they were asking was... I'm not a Canadian I guess.

coffeygirlb said...

Well. hello there hotness. No sorry talking about the page cause YOU STILL HAVEN"T POSTED PICS!! :) It's a'ight. love ya anyway!

Mermaid Melanie said...

I have no idea how I got it, but I am 66% canadian!

what is the milk question about? I guessed bag of milk.

right or wrong

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