Sunday, June 25, 2006


I am so friggin excited!! I just booked our resort share for 5 nights for our wedding anniversary in August.
I know it does not sound like much but we are coming up on 3 years now and we have never really had a chance to celebrate and have a big anniversary.
The first year I had literally just started a new job and did not have the balls to ask for a day off.
The next year I was injured from the accident and we we so broke there was no way we could have done anything (we always went out for dinner but never really made any HUGE plans)
So THIS year we are going to VEGAS BABY. Really I have been wanting to see Zumanity by Circ de soliel FOREVER its supposed to be really good and VERY sexually charged and we are getting the good seats. And when I say good I mean we are purchasing the couches front stage center and are ordering champagne and everything.
I am such a girl I am climbing outta my skin about this.
Because we are going to be there for 5 days we are also going to go see Blue Man Group
In all the many times I have been to Vegas I have never seen a show, so I am pretty FRIGGIN excited!!!


T-girl said...

Your excited... well I am jealous! LMAO We have been marrried the same amount of time and our aniversaries included: a 36 hours drive the night we were married, A almost divorce in the middle of Stuart Andersens because his mother is a bitch and lies (btw, when I am serious when I say Almost divorvce, her lie was that blantant and he litterally wanted to leave me over it- which had it been true I would have understood BUT IT WASN'T), an "I am so pregnant and fat I can barely move" dinner at home, AND this year we were packing to get on the road for a trip to see the in-laws in SD and we get this phonecall from my MIL. She says "happy aniversary" and we said "wth are you talking about?" LMAO WE FORGOT! Hubby took me to Mc Donalds on the sweet! So when I say I am jealous, I mean that in the best "you suck" kinda way! LMAO

I am happy for your actually! I think you will have a blast... even if I can't come! Want someone to carry your purse around for you? I will do it and I promise not to drink all your champaign. :)

Kelli said...

Im so jealous! That is going to be amazing!

Anonymous said...

I am curious as to what I should be uncomfortable with now. What involvement is the audience?

I hope its gymnastics!

Jonathan said...

Vegas sounds great. Never been but one day I will. Last year a co-worker and her fiance went. They were walking down the street and heard what sounded like the Beach Boys. As they got closer, they realized it WAS the Beach Boys playing in one of the casinos.

j.sterling said...

YAY! i think that's great!!!! have SO much fun!

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