Thursday, June 01, 2006

UGG time to lose weight

SO the weight is not just going to fall off by itself. I IWISH!
So I think I need to bribe myself.
Some new shoes? Each LBS I get a new pair of shoes???
Clothes? ha ha if I lose a bunch of weight then of coarse I am going to need to go shopping to get new clothes to fit the new body..
I should really get busy with that. All the cute new summer clothes out there…
I was actually thinking that because I love to blog SO much that I could deprive myself of the blog and then if I went to the gym I would be aloud to blog…
I would die, cause I would need to be strict and not even allow myself to read any blogs if I was not allowed to blog and that would be like asking a crack addict to just sit and look at it..
Ha ha.


Kelli said...

No way you are you quitting the blogging lady! You are needed out here..

Good luck!

Kelli said... post today? (i needy..)

Anonymous said...

The easiest way to lose weight is to walk. I just started walking. Got a nice pair of Catalina Ugg and the new Ugg womens short boot and went rock climbing . You might also try the Ugg womens shoes.

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