Thursday, June 08, 2006

I have no friends

Well not American friends.
Serious I just had to give 5 references of American citizens for me. They would be required to testify to my reputation and or character. (Please do note tell them about that one night in (add city here)

I realize I have no American friends really.
All my friends are Canadian with the odd American thrown in there (Teresa, Taira, Angelique, and Anne) buts its said really….

I need friends
It was never a big deal till now. I have the hubby and he's my bestest friend.
But I need some serious "girl friends"
Maybe I should start a want add
Crazy Chick Needs friends
Likes long walks on the beach….. lol

Friggin blogger was down all day yesturday


Jonathan said...

Blogger has been off and on all week for me. Either I cannot post on my blog or I cannot post comments on anyone else's. Not both at the same time, either or. I wonder if it is because schools are beginning to let out for the summer?

Kelli said...

Whoo-hoo..I get to be one of the 5! :)

coffeygirlb said...

I don't either. All, I mean BOTH of m friends are back in AR. And I don't make new friends easily. Woah is me!

astrocoz said...

I don't have that problem...but at one point, all my friends had moved out of state within a year...that was when I was in my teen years. It sucked, but now I have a friend in Australia, Oregon, and Michigan as well as other states. I can't say that I will ever run out of vacation ideas because of that.

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