Thursday, May 18, 2006


At work the front door has a "lock" on it.
In order to get in we need to push this button that omits the noise that "in fact" the door is now open for this brief moment in time. (and when I say brief it buzzes for about 30 seconds) and you can now pull on said door and enter said establishment.
Ok so these doors are also mirrored and tinted. We can see you but you can not see us.

I am going some where with this.

So strange person walks up to door.

Pulls door and nothing happens. Stands there staring at the door.
We push the button.
Door buzzes (for 30 seconds)
Strange person stands there still looking at the door…
He then starts to walk away
We again push the button.
He turns and looks at the door.
Stares at the door. (and 3 of us are standing there laughing at strange person not opening the door)
Then outside you hear some kind person explain to pull the door when it buzzes.
He again approaches the door.
We buzz him again.
He stands there until the end of the buzz.
Then tries the door.

I wonder how this strange person functions during the day.

And guess what he was selling?

Stickers for the door he just spent 10 minutes looking at.


j.sterling said...

LMFAO! door stickers?!??!! what kind of door stickers?! lol

Kelli said...

That poor guy has to live with the indignity of being a door-to-door door sticker salesman. Give him a break! Or just laugh at him I guess!

GERBEN said...

OMG! That is priceless! ROFLMAO!

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