Monday, October 23, 2006

So strange

I am off to meet a friend for lunch. We used to work together at the "old" employer. Its so weird because even just knowing I am going to be NEAR that old place I have butterflies and I feel like I am going to puke.
Geez if I did not like her so much or value her friendship I would tell her to stick it!!
And to think I am not even going to go into the building or anything, I am not even going to be NEAR the building (we are meeting a few miles away in stealth mode to coach her on NAILING the job interview she has) So everyone keep you fingers crossed (BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO) that she gets this new job and then I will have more glorious stories about the little man and his small, small mind.

Then I get to go meet with the lawyer about my case (you know the one where I am a drug addict murderer) to see if I am going to prison or not. So that should be a hoot! serious its about my work place injury from almost 2 years ago

And then to the mall because I have this $50 gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket.


T-girl said...

LMAO Yeah I hope they lock you up forever for your crime but make sure to get computer access because I would not know what to do without your blog. You could change the name to "One Cell Bitch" or some such and start calling yourself "Cell Hussy!"

I understand butterflies though, I do the same, silly but true! Good luck!!!!

Kelli said...

Good luck with the lawyer and good luck to your friend.

And good luck with that gift certificate..I hope you found a fabulous sale.

2 Dollar Productions said...

Gift certificates are about the best thing in the world that you can do use in public and not get arrested for.

But if you're going to meet your lawyer anyway I suppose that opens up your options.

Anonymous said...

You have a great blog for a drug addict murderer!

Anonymous said...

Thank you my friend. I too value your friendship, it is the one great thing that has come from this job. I value your support and caring, it helps me get through until I find the god sent NEW JOB that is just waiting for me.

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