Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ditched a birthday party

I have said it before but serious I am going to hell.
The hubby and I were supposed to go to a party tonight in Hollywood, its a friends birthday and seeing how hes not feeling well (hes got a kick ass cold) and my "job" situation, and the drive, anyways we bowed out.

In other news I went to the casino today while the hubby had friends over and this lady sits beside me. I strike up a conversation because shes the only one remotely in my age range and I was pretty sure she spoke English. So we are chatting away, me telling her my life story, her smiling and nodding at the appropriate spots and I let it slip that I am Canadian.
T- (well call her T) "What? Really? Where?"
Me "Ottawa, Ontario, way east coast"
She looks at me stunned (which in my defense most people do because Americans have no idea where it is)
T- "Are you serious? I am from Ottawa"
Me- "SERIOUS?" (in the best squeal I can munster up)

So needless to say we are instant friends, she's been in the states for 11 years now and we bitched about the differences in Canadians and Americans. She told me about this group of Canadians in LA (and for some reason I can not find the site but I will email her about it) and this group does big Canada Day celebrations (Just like 4th of July for Americans) and they get together and do Canadian "things" ha ha
So strange huh? What are the chances I would meet someone from Ottawa, its would be like a chance in millions.

Oh and for those of you who want to know how cool Canada is when I wa trying to find the site I came across this Canada Passes laws that you can have group sex in clubs

And you wonder why I am crazy


T-girl said...

Great we will be severing ties any day now with those "degenerates" who support amoral behavior! Sorry can you tell I am not a Bush fan! LMAO Not sure what to say... "yeah Canada? Bet it will enliving a place up though, sure gives a new spin to wintertime in Canada! LMAO God I need to get out more!

Cristina said...

Wow, I didn't know Canadians were so open towards sex! Next time I visit Canada, I'll be sure to go clubbing. J/k

Glad you found a friend from your hometown in Canada. I do seriously want to visit Canada one day, but I'm afraid if I go there I'll never want to leave!

Elmwood said...

canada here I come!!!!

Kelli said...

Umm..lets go to Canada instead of Vegas. :)

Thats so cool that you met someone! I love it when stuff like that happens.

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