No in all seriousness I LOVE comments and I love to see where you all are...
Or if you do not want to comment email me to tell me where you are!!
Oh and if you link me and I have not linked you yet let me know.. LINKING is good.. also that way I can snoop at your links and find some more good reads
LMAO... Lurkers drive me CRAZY! I myself lurk on a few blogs, those that get like 800 comments on one post ect because well... I don't know. BUT I am just me, poor little me with only a couple of people who love me, so those people who don't post but read me regualarly... DRIVE. ME. TO. DISTRACTION!!!! LOL So I hope they come out for you, if they do I might be trying it next! LOL Although a few months ago a bunch of them came out for a post, then they slinked back away and were silent agian... commie bastards! Thanks to stat count I know they are still there but... I don't know WHO they are! LOL
As opinionated as I am, there is no way I could read someone's blog more than a time or two and NOT have something to say about it. If they don't like it, they can always delete it, so this gives me license to comment away.
Rarely do I comment on the comments, but since this is a post about commenting... t-girl, you MUST be one fun person to hang around with if your comment reflects you acurately. Don't feel bad, I also have very few people that love me enough to comment on my posts.
I console myself with the notion that I probably wouldn't want to hear what most of them have to say (lie), and/or that those posts that "get like 800 comments" are really all posted by the author using assumed blog names. Whatever works, right?
I comment already, but I hope this brings out some of your lurkers!
I know I hardly comment, but I'm still here! HI.
I'm here! I know I have been silent as of late. I just have not had much to say. :( Sorry.
I'm a lurker. I think I have commented once or twice, I think. Sorry, but my brain doesn't always work properly.
Uh oh - have I been caught lurking? Guilty as charged. No wait, I think I've commented before. Maybe that was just in my head. Will try to do better next time. O-tay?
BTW - LOVE reading your blog. Love it.
Kind of reading...but I'm at work. I'll have to really read late.r
I think I read somewhere it is National De-lurking Week. Will check and see what I can find out.
I randomly came across this page today by blog hopping. I haven't lurked on this page, but I've been a serious lurker elsewhere. I'm new to blogland and didn't know there was a term for it or that it was a bad thing to do, however now I know. :-) In any case, I you're now linked on my page.
I'm like Patty - I can only keep my trap shut for so long before i share my reject thoughts in a wee comment box, although i tend to only lurk on blogs with mass readership/commenters, feels like my comment would be lost
hi! -=)
i can't believe it's delurker week again. wasn't it just yesterday? time certainly does fly.
Sadly I have turned more into a lurker than anything else! But I do read your blog often!!! :)
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