Sunday, May 04, 2008

About "that" Friend.. And ask Rondom Anything..

The one that left me in the bar.

Yep still have not talked to her.

I do not think that I will. Being an adult and having had the conversation with her the first and second time she shafted me at the bar I have decided to cut my losses.

I have a bag of stuff that is hers that I left on her doorstep and she never tried to contact me again...

A bit immature yes.

But to me if someone values my friendship she could have called to leave a message that she was sorry. All she has done is text me and said sorry 1 time.

I am hurt a bit and having talked to other friends about it I am not going to invest any more time into it..

I am over it..

Ok peeps fingers crossed for good news for me tomorrow!! Serious!!

And seeing how I am going to need some blogging material seeing how I will be doing this EVERYDAY!!! Please ask away... Anything you want to know that I have not already spurted out here....


Vi said...

If you are ever after blog fodder, just look at my 'may I ask' question each day.

Fingers crossed for ya!

whimsical brainpan said...

I think you did the right thing.

So what spawned your love for shoes?

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