Thursday, November 29, 2007

Talk about Karma biting you in the ASS!!

Robber who wasn't supposed to gamble wins $1 million in lottery

So I saw this today and laughed.. Talk about Karma, you get convicted of a bank robbery and then while you are on probation you win a million dollars and now they are debating on if you get to keep it or not.

I think not. It should go to the court system, or mental hospital that he was in care of when he was treated to pay his restitution back to society...

What are your thoughts??


Southern (in)Sanity said...

Not gambling/participating in the lottery was part of his sentence.

They need to take every dime from him.

Patty said...

On Karma or whether or not he should get to keep the money?

Maybe him winning IS his Karma... Having an occupation as a robber tells us all that he truly believes one can get something for nothing which we know is NOT true. If he were to get to keep the money he might just discover that unless one is responsible with a million dollars they will soon be back to their old occupation. The best way to learn is to do, so having and then not having a million bucks might just be the lesson this guy needs to wake him up to a few truths about himself.

Random Musings said...

RWA- Also if he violated his probation should that not hold more cosiquenses? (nice spelling)

Patty- I agree it is Karma, I really do think people can change however when it comes to criminals... I am still out on that.. I know some can but the majority will always go back to what they know...

GirlyFruFru said...

I agree he wasn't supposed to gamble.. so they should take the money - !!

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