Thursday, January 03, 2008

Why does this always happen to me??

So the PT job has be scheduled for 35 hours next week. Umm yeah.. too many hours for me. So I talked to the store manager about what I was looking for in a Part time gig and explained that I would like a max of 10-12 hours a week, Again reminding her that I do work full time already to the tune of 40+ hours a week.
Anyways she said this would be the last week because 3 people quit and she was stuck. And then I think about it and I should just walked away.. but me being the nice person I am, and also having shoe purchases dancing in my head..... I am such a sucker...
Then last night too, one of the mangers says to me "Hey Random, can I talk to you a minute?"

Me "Sure, whats up?" (thinking I did something wrong or screwed something up)

Manager "Ummm, my dog died today and my 10 year old thinks its her fault for letting him of the leash"
**crying ensues***

Me *blink*blink* "Oh?"

Manager "And I am not sure I can handle this because my family and I are still dealing with the death of our 5 year old"

Me *blink*blink* "Oh"

Manager "Yeah I am not sure how much more crap our family can take, first my son dies, then our dog......"

Me *blink*blink*
I feel bad, and I do not deal with death great myself so its hard for me to deal with this. And to make matters worse this is the first time I have EVER worked a shift with this man. OR TALKED TO HIM!! I understand he needed to talk to someone, and I was the closest, and I think I may have that face, or maybe its because he felt he could trust me...
Anyways not to sound like a heartless BIATTCHH but it was weird for me. And strange...


whimsical brainpan said...

I think that would be a weird first converstaion for anyone who wasn't a therapist.

Vi said...

yeah, that's a hard thing to handle from a total stranger! I've had to deal with stuff like that from behind the bar. You just nod your head, say you're sorry and pour them another drink (did you make him a coffee? lol)

Patty said...

Thank God you didn't crack a joke out of the weirdness...JK!

As weird as it might have been for you, you should feel proud that he trusted you enough to share. You do have one of those trusting faces, and your greatness shines making people gravitate to you without really understanding why.

Random Musings said...

Whimsical- I sometimes feel like one, it does not matter where I am people seem to like to tell me random shit.

Vi- Having been a bartender I totally understand... Yeah because I felt so bad I asked him if he ever need to talk I could meet him for coffee. Poor guy.

Patty- I totally thought he was messing with me about his 5 year old, and I actually caught myself a couple of times almost asking inappropriate questions...
Thanks for the compliment.. I think I should write a book about some of the stuff random people tell me.. Especially now that I work in retail..

Dixie said...

Yeah, that is a little wierd. He could have just gone to the bathroom and cried. Well, I would have anyway. I would not have put that on a co-workers shoulders. Hell, I hated going to my boss to tell her that I needed less hours because of the problems that I'm dealing with at home. I don't like mixing business with personal, at all!

Anonymous said...

Umm, WTF?! That would have been my first and last conversation with that guy. No part time gig is worth having to be someone's armchair psychiatrist. Although, getting in good with the management is always a plus. You should definitely use this for some leverage when you need a weekend off or something.

Sorry, I'm just a bastard like that.

However...if my dog died I think I would throw myself off of a bridge.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Maybe he just saw something inside you that made him think you were a kind-hearted soul who wouldn't mind listening to his tragedy.

AM said...

Wow.That sure is awkward.

Magnolia Sun said...

That is horrible, maybe he had had a really bad day and just needed to unload. I wouldn't have known what to say either.

Random Musings said...

Dixie- I feel the same way, we all shoot the shit but when it comes to personal stuff.. its just that personal

Manny- I was trying not to be a bitch, and I would be devasted if something happened to my dog too.. not to sure I would tell a complete stranger my whole life story though

RWA- Thanks I seem to give off that vibe I always have random people telling me REALLY personal stuff

AM- very strange

Magnolia- I know how it feels some times to have NO ONE to talk to so I feel his pain.

Daniele said...

Gosh that is tough to handle, for the man of course, and for you for being faced with that conversation out of the blue.
I don't thinks it's 'wrong' for 'putting this on a co-workers shoulders'. It's not like he kept you nailed down for a 2 hour chat did he ? Maybe he doesn't have anyone close that he feels he can talk to, or maybe he just needed to talk to someone who's not involved directly with his tragedy.

Random Musings said...

Dee- Yeah thats what I was thinking, sometimes you just need to tell someone that knows nothing about you, or your family....

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