Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pictures are coming!!

So y'all who commented and left picture requests on NATIONAL DELURKING DAY should see them this weekend, and if you have not yet DELURKED.. you know who are!!!!

IS ANYONE ELSE SUPER EXCITED THE AMERICAN IDOL starts tonight??? If you are looking for me I will be in front of the TV yelling things like "I can sing better than that" and **snicker***snicker*** And the first few weeks are AWESOME and horrible all at the same time all the BAD singers... So excited!!


whimsical brainpan said...

I am a freak. I don't like Idol.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

I don't like Idol either. Never have, never will.

I hear that they were laughing at an immigrant last night - and Randy and Paula were laughing at a child with an apparent physical defect.

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