I AM SO ANGRY!!! Ok this poor dog was living with 6 kids, there was a burn on his back he was SUPER jittery around us. Well after Daisy barfed for no reason. Peed on the couch for no reason, and generally started acting a little strange. We decided it may not be the best idea to keep him
Well the hubby works with a lady that used to be a Vet Tech and he brought Riot in to meet her and she fell in love with him. Well I called the lady we got him from to tell her it was not working with Daisy but we found him a home, she then mentioned that Riot had been fixed a few months ago and he still had his stitches and she wanted us to bring Riot by so all the kids could say goodbye. I called the hubby at work to ask him if she would mind bringing him by to say goodbye. Well SHE FREAKED out, she checked Riot and indeed he still had stitches, well seeing how THE FUCKERS never took him in for the follow up after he had been fixed his stitches are ingrown and are now going to have to be surgically removed. Also the burn on his back that they "claim" was from grease is most definitely a cigarette burn. So needless to say Riot will NEVER be going back to visit or say goodbye.
They renamed him Winston... How cute seeing as he has already been branded. He has his Vet appointment booked and she is also booking doggie training classes for him to potty train, and try to break him from being so afraid of people. He is also going to be brought to work everyday so he is not alone.
I am SO HAPPY this has all turned out this way, I am sad that Riot/Winston was not a match for us because he was SUCH a cool dog. (minus he was never potty trained and peed on my bed skirt) But the family he is with is going to LOVE him so much and the hubby will get to see him everyday to see his progress.
We have both agreed that we are going to wait till Daisy has another heat cycle and then we are going to breed her and keep one of her babies as our second doggie.. Or 2 if she has 2... or 3 maybe...lol