The hubby is out of town. And one of my good friends is in town so we "hit the town" for a few drinks.
And by few I mean the drinks were $2. And all 5 of us spent $20. So needless to say I should not be bloggin right now.
But I am going to. Because I have to, but its all going to be bullet points.
* I wonder if my husband will ever know the extent of my love. He has been gone less than 24 hours and I already miss him like crazy. I have ALWAYS been really independent, and I would like to think I still am. But when you have a lover to sleep with every night and then he is not here. It hurts a little. And I wonder if he will ever know how much I love him?
* A friend is going through a really tough time right now (hence the drinks) but I wish I could help give her the strength to walk away. He said he is with someone else, or is "interested and starting a realaionship with someone else. Its time to move on. As harse as that is for you. Its his way of letting you down nicely. I do understand you have a child together, but holding that child as "a negotiation piece" is not going ot make him want to be with you any more? Period.
* I hate to be drunk. Well thats a lie...lol... I just hate the morning after. My car is sitting safely (hopefully) in a parking lot that I will have to pick up in the morning. Yep 1 drink is too many for me to get behind the wheel. Call me "square" if you want but nothing is worth getting a DUI and being deported......
* I love my hubby.
* Some guy told me I was a "dude" tonight, he was hitting on my friend that is "newly"sinjgle but dealing with baby daddy drama and said i was a dude. He said I was too "not a girl" and made him really scared but that my husband was a lucky guy.
I think I am proud of that. I chalked it up to my 3 brothers rubbing bubble gum in my hair. But I am proud to say I will never say anything about you That I would not say to your face. anD i WILl NOT FOR ANY reason blow sunshine up your ass. That is just not me (lol I asked him why he was wearing A RUB ON TATTOO on his arm.) I mean really? really?
* I have some fabulous shoes. And I got no less than 3 comments on my shoes tonight
* l Love my doggie, she is so friggin cute. I just want to kiss her all the time. I have NO IDEA what we used to do without her. 2 1/2 years we have had her and I still love coming home to her. Regardless of if we are gone 5 minutes or 5 hours she is always so excited to see us.
* we hav enew neighbors, downstairs, they moved in today, i think they have 3 kids, in a 2 bedroom apt. I can hear the kids screaming already, this shoudl be interesting.
* I am not going to spell check
* I just flossed my teeth (not a good idea when you have been drinking) an dI bet they will still be hurtin gin the morning.
Done my drubk blog.....lol