Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My First day back to work

It was so exciting starting a new job. I am not sure why I like it, maybe its just because I am such a social person. Lets just say things work ALOT slower than I am used too. I am AMAZED at the people I work with though, things are REALLY laid back everyone is fun to be around, so far I have not figured it out but they are a well knit team.
It was fun.

So the cousin left early today to go back to Canada, having her here makes me miss home more. Makes me miss my family and friends, but also a good reminder that people change.
I've changed.
Life changes.


T-girl said...

OH! New jobs are always so much fun. It takes weeks to realise you are still working with the same jackasses with different masks on! LMAO

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Yep. Every thing changes.
Which is why we need new shoes...often:)

Dead man walking said...

I dunno. As a new job newbie myself, I find it exciting also. And talk about changes...I know a little something about those lately..lol..

You'll do fine. You are a pro. Have fun with it!

Kelli said...

Cant wai t to hear more about the new job. Laid back seems nice.

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