Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Asking for help

So in a nutshell I am overwhelmed at work right now.

I voiced my concerns to my manager. I think I said overwhelmed about 3 times and I asked for help. With year end quickly approaching I have about 10,000 things that need to be complete by December 1st.

She has assigned 3000 of the 10,000 items to other people to complete.


I think it was the fact that I specifically said "I will do what I can" with my daily updates to her at where I am at. With only 7 hours in the day and the fact I REFUSE to stay longer that I am paid for and they refuse to pay me for more hours that I am willing to work. Also now that Fridays are a write off seeing how I am not permitted to do my regular job duties. It makes sense.

So its settled... ha ha.. I am officially and Gov And its a bit of a LARGE pill for me to swallow.

1 comment:

Ally said...

isn't that the way it is at work? it's push back and then manager deems it is necessary to find help? hope it gets better!

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