I had to work 1/2 day but there it was OFF TO THE RODEO!!! It was so much fun. Different but fun. It helped that we had AWESOME seats with free food an all.
I even remembered to capture some action for y'all. I have been to a little tiny rodeo way back in the day but nothing to this caliber. It was neat to see so many different people there. Hubby and I certainly stood out like sore thumbs (or we felt that way anyways) it was almost like we were the only ones not sporting cowboy boots and hats.
There were horses and cowboys as far at the eyes could see!!! I will certainly go again next year. It was fun screaming and yelling at the cowboys. The weather started off a little grey with a few drizzles but then the sun
I only ended up running into the VP in the VIP booth and he's super cool. I was really hoping that the hubby would have gotten at least a little drunk seeing as I drove but he was not feeling much like drinking. I had a Mikes hard lemonade and did not feel much like drinking either.
So I am hoping for this time next year to have my mom come out and join me for the festivities. I think she would really love it. Actually I know she will so for her birthday I am going to get her tickets to one of the shows and put them in an envelope with her plane tickets...
Looks like a lot of fun!!!! Just get you a cowboy hat and some boots, and you'll be set to go.
Gah, I love a good rodeo!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Cowboy watching is fun, hu? I love me some cowboys too.
Glad yall had fun, I'm sure yall will have boots and a hat the next time it comes to town.
yeah, but what shoes were u wearing?!
sorry ive been such a slack ass readerer. xxx
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