Sunday, October 07, 2007

The best $50 I have EVER spent

I bet you are all expecting a picture of shoes... nope not shoes

Ok so I headed to the mall the other day, out 40 minutes from my house because its the only mall you can really call a mall and it has all my fav stores. Anyways tough day shopping, I have been losing weight and its very apparent that I needed some new clothes most of my pants I can pull off without un-zipping or buttoning them so I went shopping for jeans.. Yeah not so much luck I am going to wait another week 1/2 and right before my trip when I am forced to pack I can deal with the I have no pants that fit me situation....ok a bit off topic (no I did not find any shoes either)

So there is the Chinese massage place (nothing dirty you pervs) and they do deep tissue and reflexology massage, I was looking a the price list posted out on the window and this little old man comes out and asks if I want a sample and starts to massage my "bad spots" (the ones where the hubby has to break up the scare tissue from my accident or I get HUGE bumps that look like tumors) so I agree to pay $50 for 1 1/2 hour massage AND IT WAS AMAZING and weird all at the same time. The last 1/2 hour they focus on your feet, yeah a complete stranger WASHES your feet then does this freaky reflexology stuff and I thought I was going to be able to sleep but the way the massage was done it really gives you energy, anyways back to the feet thing he starts talking to the ladies in Chinese and she asks me if "I have problems with my head"
I am stunned and said "yeah I have gotten migraines since I was a baby"
It was the weirdest thing!! He would rub till they felt like they were burning then stick his finger or thumb into my foot, or heal.
And then she went on to explain that my "aura" and the tension in my feet tell him that.
Weird. He also told me about the issues with my neck and lower back and I explained about my accident and the bulges in my back. She explained that's why he spent so much time on those spots.

So yeah I am going back. Soon. It was amazing! I am hurting a bit today as is the case most times I get deep tissue and having a complete stranger stick his elbow into your ass muscle and then put all their weight onto it, is a bit weird but well worth it!


m/p said...

i love massages!

i get one every month now because it helps with the tension and the tension headaches.

good for you!

Vi said...

Reflexology is fab. When I had it down, she said I should drink more water as my liver was having too much alcohol (surprise surprise) and that I have a problem with my left knee, which I do!

Southern (in)Sanity said...

What? Your "aura" told him that stuff?

Come on now...

Dixie said...

I soooo want to go for a massage.

I was expecting shoes. You are going to shit when you see my new purchase! I'll be posting pics in a day or so.

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